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Figure 2. | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Figure 2.

From: Metagenomes of tropical soil-derived anaerobic switchgrass-adapted consortia with and without iron

Figure 2.

Network analysis of feedstock adapted consortia grown on switchgrass only (SG only), SG plus iron oxides (FeOx), SG plus nitrate (NO3-), or SG plus sulfate (SO3-). Each point represents one taxon, and the size of the point corresponds to the number of connections (edges) associated with the taxon. Edges (grey lines) indicate a minimum correlation of Pearson r = 0.9 as well as statistical significance (P<0.01). On the left, taxa are colored by taxonomy according to their assigned phylum; on the right, taxa are colored based on whether they are generalists (present in all four treatments) or specialists (present in one treatment only and absent in the rest).

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