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Fig. 5 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Fungal and bacterial communities and their associations in snow-free and snow covered (sub-)alpine Pinus cembra forest soils

Fig. 5

Fungal-bacterial (fb) associations frequently detected in snow-free and snow covered networks. A The influence of snow cover on the fb association frequency of fungal phyla was modelled using generalized linear model assuming Poisson distribution. Each point represents the estimate predicted by generalized linear modelling assuming Poisson distribution. B, C Frequent fb associations in B snow-free and C snow covered networks. For panels B–E, associations observed < 5 times across networks were omitted from display. D, E The Sankey plots visualize frequent fb associations summarized on genus level. Here, only those frequent fb genera associations are displayed that (i) received a taxonomic annotation on genus level and (ii) that were observed at least twice. The total number of associations displayed in the D snow-free and the E snow covered network (bars) is 20 and 25, respectively. Cand. = Candidatus, BCP = Burkholderia-Caballeronia-Paraburkholderia, CX = Cand. Xiphinematobacter

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