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Fig. 6 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: An in-depth evaluation of metagenomic classifiers for soil microbiomes

Fig. 6

Comparative microbial composition across three sampling sites and soil horizons at the phylum Level. a Bar plot representing the taxonomic profile of the shotgun dataset using Kraken2 (custom). b Bar plot illustrating the taxonomic profile of the shotgun dataset as derived from the original study. Both plots showcase the top 14 phyla with distinct colours, while the remaining phyla are collectively grouped as “Remainder”. Consistent colour schemes are used across both plots for the same phyla. The x-axis delineates the three sampling sites (Podsol, Cambisol, and Stagnosol) and is further segmented into the three soil horizons (O, A, and B) for each site

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