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Fig. 3 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: The impacts of ocean acidification, warming and their interactive effects on coral prokaryotic symbionts

Fig. 3

Schematic diagram shows prokaryotic symbionts causing most of the divergence in community composition throughout the stress experiment of G. fascicularis (Rounded rectangle) and A. valida (Rectangle) determined by Similarity Percentages (SIMPER) analysis. Solid line showed increased relative abundance of given prokaryotic families and dash line represent decreased comparing to control groups (TC or PC). Number in parentheses indicates overall dissimilarity, and only the most significant families (contribution ≥ 2%) driving differences between the stress group and control group were shown. The microorganisms in the green box represent common microorganisms in healthy corals, and the red box represent coral bleaching and disease related. T: under stress; P: after stress; A: acidification; H: warming; AH: acidification–warming

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