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Fig. 2 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Long-term patterns of an interconnected core marine microbiota

Fig. 2

Core microbiota resulting from 10 years of monthly pico- and nanoplankton relative abundances. A Core network including bacteria and microbial eukaryotic OTUs that occur ≥ 30% of the time during the studied decade (i.e., resident microbiota), with highly significant and strong associations (adjusted p < 0.001, absolute Local Similarity score |LS| > 0.7, Spearman correlation |ρ| > 0.7), where detected environmentally-driven edges were removed. The color of the edges (links) indicates whether the association is positive (grey) or negative (red). The shape of nodes indicates bacteria (rhomboid) or microbial eukaryotes (circle), and the color of nodes represents species' seasonal preferences, determined using the indicator value (indval, p < 0.05). Node size indicates OTU relative abundance. B Core network as a Circos plot, indicating the high-rank taxonomy of the core OTUs. Since 95% of the associations are positive (see Table 2), we do not indicate whether an edge is positive or negative

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