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Fig. 2 | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Fig. 2

From: Complete genome sequence and genomic characterization of Microcystis panniformis FACHB 1757 by third-generation sequencing

Fig. 2

Phylogenetic tree showing the position of M. panniformis FACHB1757. The dendrogram is based on the 16S ribosome RNA complete sequence of M. panniformis FACHB1757, M. aeruginosa NIES843, M. aeruginosa PCC7806, M. aeruginosa NIES 2549, and representatives of other cyanobacterial genera (Synechocystis, Pseudanabaena, Synechococcus, Thermosynechococcus, Planktothrix, Dolichospermum, Anabaena, Cylindrospermopsis, Nodularia, Nostoc, Aphanizomenon, Raphidiopsis) downloaded from NCBI (sequences without accession numbers were extracted from annotation files of the corresponding genomes) using the neighbor-joining algorithm with 100 bootstrap replications using MEGA6. A bootstrap consensus tree was constructed and is shown. The two copies of 16S rRNA sequences of M. panniformis FACHB1757 are labeled in red. The relationship between M. panniformis FACHB1757 and other important algae species in Cyanophyceae are demonstrated. Species colored in green have whole genome data available in NCBI

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