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Fig. 1 | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Fig. 1

From: Draft genome sequence of Halomonas meridiana R1t3 isolated from the surface microbiota of the Caribbean Elkhorn coral Acropora palmata

Fig. 1

Phylogenetic tree of select Halomonas type species and H. meridiana strain R1t3. The phylogenetic placement H. meridiana strain R1t3 in relation to select type species of marine and salt-tolerant Halomonas. Sequences from the 16S rRNA gene were aligned with MUSCLE and trimmed to 1154 bp, the length of the shortest sequence. Evolutionary history was inferred using the Maximum Likelihood method based on the Tamura-Nei model [26]. Branch lengths are measured in the number of substitutions per site. Branch labels indicate the percentage of trees in which the associated taxa were clustered based on 500 bootstraps using MEGA v 5.2.2 [27]. Genome sequences are not currently available for any of the type strains included in this figure

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