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Figure 5 | | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Figure 5 |

From: GeneWiz browser: An Interactive Tool for Visualizing Sequenced Chromosomes

Figure 5 |

Panel A: The maximum uniqueness quality is shown for the actual reads (green-to-blue lane) plotted in the outermost lanes, using the published genome as a reference. The following lanes show in-silico digestions at 40X coverage (red-to-blue lane), using read lengths 30, 50, 70, 200, 500, 1,000, 1,000, and 5,000 bases. Panel B shows the weighted coverage, agreement with reference, maximum uniqueness quality, information content, read absence, and AT content. All six plots can be accessed for zooming via the supplemental data section. Panel C displays the read count (green, secondary ordinate) and read quality (red, primary ordinate) as a function of read length. Note that read counts differ within the three datasets, resulting in different scales on the secondary ordinate. For the two 454-Titanium sets (C. jejuni and E. coli K12), an assembly was provided which allows a mapping of contigs to the reference genome. These marks are shown in gray in the perimeter of these plots. Red marks indicate contigs with two or more hits in the reference.

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