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Fig. 3 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Out of the blue: the independent activity of sulfur-oxidizers and diatoms mediate the sudden color shift of a tropical river

Fig. 3

Microbial community composition around the ‘Teñidero’ confluence. Samples were from the two streams converging into the dyeing point (sample codes starting by RB and QA) and the resulting mixed stream (‘Río Celeste’, sample codes starting by RC). For each location, we analyzed plankton from the water (W) and sediments (S). An extra water sample from a nearby hydrothermal spring (BBW) was also included for comparative purposes. a Hierarchical clustering of the samples based on their variance-adjusted weighted UniFrac distances (top) and barplot showing their phylum-level composition (bottom). b Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of the samples included in this study. Plotting symbol and color denote sample type (circle: water, square: sediment) and origin (white: neutral samples; red: hydrothermally-influenced samples). Two-way arrows and the associated p-values indicates a significant influence (PERMANOVA test using UniFrac distances) of sample type and origin in microbial community composition

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