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Fig. 1 | Environmental Microbiome

Fig. 1

From: Australian native Glycine clandestina seed microbiota hosts a more diverse bacterial community than the domesticated soybean Glycine max

Fig. 1

Alpha- (α-) and Beta (β)-diversity analyses of the seed microbiome of both Glycine species. Box-and-Whiskers-plots visualize the Shannon diversity index based on “Plant Species” (A) and “Seed Accession” (B, C). Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were assessed by the Kruskal Wallis pairwise test and are indicated by the lower-case letters. Community clustering of bacterial composition based on “Plant Species” (D) and “Seed Accession” (E, F) are indicated by two-dimensional unweighted-Unifrac distances PCoA biplots at genus level. Different colours of the data points represent different plant species (A, D) and seed accession (B, C, E, E). Significant differences in bacterial composition were tested using the PERMANOVA and PERMDISP test

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