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Fig. 2 | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Fig. 2

From: Draft genome sequence of Venturia carpophila, the causal agent of peach scab

Fig. 2

The phylogenetic position of Venturia carpophila in comparison with other related fungal species. The tree was developed based on the 18S rRNA gene of the sequenced isolate of V. carpophila, an accession of the 18S rRNA gene of another isolate of V. carpophila, and accessions of other closely-related members of the family Venturiaceae (genera Fusicladium and Venturia) and with outgroup representatives (Phyllosticta harai, Staniwardia suttonii, Mycosphaerella graminicola, M. verrucosiafricana, Xenomeris raetica and Gibberella moniliformis, all in the class Dothidiomyectes of the phylum Ascomycota). The nearest neighbor joining tree was built by CLUSTALX2 [12] and drawn to scale by TreeView [13] based on 18S rRNA sequence phylogenetic analysis involved in a 1000-replicate bootstrapping process (numbers adjacent to branches are support values from 1000 bootstraps). The branch lengths in the tree were measured as substitutions per site, i.e., 0.1 on the scale bar representing 4 substitutions in 100 bp. The evolutionary history was inferred from 1522 aligned characters. The GenBank accession numbers for each species or strain are shown in parenthesis

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