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Fig. 5 | Standards in Genomic Sciences

Fig. 5

From: Complete genome sequence of the heavy metal resistant bacterium Agromyces aureus AR33T and comparison with related Actinobacteria

Fig. 5

a-b Pan-genome of Agromyces spp. calculated in Roary (blastp 80%) [28]. The inner ring shows the total number of the core genes (present in all the species); the middle ring shows the number of genes in the shell of the pan-genome (present in more than one species); the outer rings show the number of genes in the cloud of the pan-genome (present in only 1 species). c Comparison of A. aureus AR33T with the closely related species Agromyces sp. Leaf222 and A. italicus DSM 16388. Venn diagram showing the shared CDSs (Roary, blastp 80%), genes in classified in the same COG functional categories and KEGG metabolic pathways were designed using

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